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    发布时间:2023-03-13 06:53:15     稿源: 创意岭    阅读: 62        问大家








    赛车</A></SPAN>部件 engine/motor 引擎chassis 底盘clutch 离合器fuel tank 油箱cylinder 汽缸automatic transmission 变速箱bonnet 车盖electronic ignition system 电子点火系统radiator 散热器spot lamp 车灯tire 轮胎brake system 刹车系统cockpit 驾驶舱车内仪器safety belt 安全带wiper 拭雨器window glass 车窗玻璃seat 座位helmet 头盔steering wheel 方向盘oil pressure gauge 油压表dashboard 仪表盘speedometer 速度表人员driver 车手team manager 车队经理the support crew 后勤人员sponsor 赞助商spectator 观众rookie新手technical consultant 技术顾问co-driver 领航员pit crew 后勤维修人员constructor 制造商赛制practice 练习赛formula-1 racing 一级方程式赛车formula-3 racing 三级方程式赛车rally 拉力赛后勤装备pit 维修站pit stop 停站pit lane 维修道steering box 转向机surviving cell 救生室water pump 水泵paddock 装备区其它chicane 减速弯道hairpin 发夹弯道dirty air 乱流down force 下压力grid 排位starting grid 起跑排位pole position 杆位qualifying 排位赛slicks 光头胎race number 赛车号码safety car 安全车F1赛专用语解释Grand Prix: 国际汽车大奖赛( 大奖赛。第一场国际赛车大奖赛于1906年在法国勒芒举行。Championship points: F1年度锦标积分制;F1的年度锦标分为两种:车手锦标及车队锦标。计分方式是采用积分制,车手与车队的积分都是相加累积的。F1赛事成绩的评分是由国际汽联(FIA: Federation Internationale De L'Automobile)依据每站赛程比赛的结果来评定。每站F1比赛的第一名车手和车队各得10分、第二名各得8分、第三名6分、第四名5分、第五名4分、第六名3分、第七名2分、第八名1分。Chassis:车身底盘 (赛车的基本架构包括悬吊系统、钢圈轮胎及其他各类车材的组合。一辆高科技F1赛车的车身底盘是由碳纤维板和其他材料合制成的,底盘非常轻巧而且强力大耐用。它通常是一部赛车的编号来源。Cockpit:驾驶舱;F1车手乘坐的区域,它根据车手的体形量身订做的。但作为车队的第三辆赛车却不能兼顾两位车手的体形,所以它通常按照车队第一号车手的体形来设计。Constructor:制造商/车队;F1赛车的制造商是指车身底盘的制造者,而不是指引擎制造商。按照规定,底盘制造者的名字通常是放在引擎制造商名字的前面,在一级方程式锦标赛中,车队冠军的荣耀是颁给车身底盘制造商的。Chicane:减速弯道;这个英文单词的中文直译是"诈骗"的意思,但在F1赛车中,指的是在直线赛道上设置的连续弯道,用来降低赛车的车速。Hairpin:发夹弯道;难度非常高,车手驾控非常棘手的弯道,通常是180度象发夹似的弯道路段。Dirty air:乱流;急驶中的赛车所产生的不同方向、不同角度的气流。乱流会干扰紧随其后的其他赛车所产生的气流,从而影响(减少)空气流动中所产生的下压力,这就会使紧随其后的赛车驾控受到影响,赛车有可能会打滑失控。Down force:下压力 ;赛车的车身,车翼及悬吊系统在高速行驶的过程中,因空气流动的作用而产生向下的压力。下压力随着赛车速度的增加会产生的更强,从而使赛车的抓地力增强。Wind tunnel:风洞 ;用于开发赛车的空气动力学套件,它的目的是在保证赛车获得足够下压力的情况下所受的空气阻力最小,以提高赛车的速度和高速行驶的稳定性。风洞由于运转需要巨大的能量和配备精密的电子仪器量,所以开支极其巨大。Grid:排位;赛车决赛时起跑的排列位置,是按照排位赛的比赛结果而排列确定的。赛车排列置于两赛车交错的行列,最前端的赛车领先下一辆赛车有8米远的间隔距离。Starting grid:起跑排位 ;根据车手的赛车在排位赛的成绩来排定其赛车的起跑的位置。Pole position:杆位 ;又称为P.P.,由周六下午排位赛取得的名次而定,以赛车所跑单圈最快的成绩来确定车手在决赛起跑时最前面的排头位。Qualifying:排位赛;分为两部分,分别在周五和周六进行,每辆赛车只能做一圈排位。周五排位赛发车的顺序按照前一站比赛成绩(新赛季首站按上一年世锦赛成绩)。周六排位赛发车顺序按照周五排位赛得出名次的倒顺序,即慢车先排位,快车最后排位。决赛排位是以周六的排位赛名次成绩为准,第一名的赛车手决赛起跑位置称为杆位。Paddock:装备区;设在赛事赛道的起跑位附近,这是车队管理和休息区及运输车辆停放的地方。Pit:维修区;用于车队摆放赛车并在比赛前调试赛车以及比赛时完成进站维修等工作的地方,这是车队比赛周末工作的核心地。Pit lane:维修道;经过特殊设计的在维修站前的通道,是赛车从维修站进入赛道或离开赛道返回维修站的通道。维修道是有严格速度限制的路段,一般速度限制在80-120公里/时速( 即每小时50-74英哩),不同的赛道有不同的限速规定。Pit stop:停站;车手加油及换轮胎的地方,进维修站的时机及次数是每个车队比赛的重要策略。Slicks:光头胎;在干燥路面上使用的没有胎纹的赛车轮胎,也称“干胎”。光头胎于1998年的赛季前被有四条直纹沟槽的轮胎(干胎)给取代了,这些沟槽是用来降低赛车过弯道时的速度。Pit crew:后勤维修人员;指在维修区负责车队的工程师和技师。Race number:赛车号码;在新赛季之前FIA会根据前一年的车手排名,给予每辆F1赛车一个号码,此号码必须是很清楚地展示于车体的车鼻翼两侧。13这个数字西方人特别忌讳,因此在赛车号码中,是没有13号的。Safety car:安全车;是一辆闪着黄色车灯的奔驰车,车身贴有Safety Car的标志。安全车的驾驶者很有经验,车上装有与控制台联络的通讯系统。

    二、mywere blue是什么意思

    my were blue的中文翻译

    my were blue




    The water was ice cold and my hands were completely blue.



    As a result of the fall, my knees were all black and blue.



    My teeth were chattering, my lips blue.



    Name: French Republic (The Republic of France) By the name Frank in the name of the tribe evolved, meaning "brave", "freedom" National Day: July 14 (1880 Legislative Council to confirm capture Bastille Day as a national day to commemorate the French Revolution of the bourgeoisie) National Flag: rectangular, length and width ratio of 3:2. Face the flag consists of three parallel and vertical rectangle of the same composition, from left to right are blue, white, and red. France has a variety of origins of the national flag, which is the most representative: France in 1789 bourgeois revolution, the Paris National Self-Defense Force on the blue, white, and red flags for the team pennant. White in the middle, on behalf of the king, the king of the sacred symbol of status; red, blue and white on both sides of the breakdown, on behalf of the people of Paris; at the same time the three-color and a symbol of bourgeois Paris, France and the League of the royal family. Tri-color flag was a symbol of the French Revolution, is said to represent three-color freedom, equality, fraternity. National Emblem: France has no formal national emblem, but the traditional use of arms during the Revolution as a symbol of the country. Coat of arms for the oval, draw on popular during the Revolution have one of the signs - stick beam, which is ancient Rome with senior magistrates of the token is a symbol of authority. Beam on both sides of the bar decorated with olive branches and oak branches and leaves, during which the sash wrapped in French on the words "freedom, equality, fraternity." The whole pattern from ancient Rome with a ribbon of the Order of Legion ornamental rings. National Anthem: "La Marseillaise" Flower: Iris State bird: rooster Paris City, river port, capital of France. It is now located on both banks of the Seine River. The original settlement from which Paris evolved, Lutetia, was in existence by the late 3rd century BC on an island in the Seine. Lutetia was captured and fortified by the Romans in 52 BC. During the 1st century AD the city spread to the left bank of the Seine. By the early 4th century it was known as Paris. It withstood several Viking sieges (885–87) and became the capital of France in 987, when Hugh Capet, the count of Paris, became king. The city was improved during the reign of Philip II, who formally recognized the University of Paris с 1200. In the 14th–15th centuries its development was hindered by the Black Death and the Hundred Years' War. In the 17th–18th centuries it was improved and beautified. Leading events of the French Revolution took place in Paris (1789–99). Napoleon III commissioned Georges-Eugène Haussmann to modernize the city's infrastructure and add several new bridges over the Seine. The city was the site of the Paris Peace Conference, which ended World War I. During World War II Paris was occupied by German troops. It is now the financial, commercial, transportation, artistic, and intellectual centre of France. The city's many attractions include the Eiffel Tower, Notre-Dame de Paris, the Louvre, the Panthéon, Pompidou Centre, and the Paris Opera, as well as boulevards, public parks, and gardens. French food With aftouch-cuisine.com, we invite you to pull off the “Communication Superhighway” for a moment and roam the back roads of the French countryside to discover the regional French food, French recipes cuisine and the wonderful people of the past and of the present who are behind French cooking world-wide reputation. A.F.Touch cuisine will offer you all the specialties of the French food. Each specialty is presented within its regional context accompanied by a list of traditional producers , guardians of tradition and expertise which have been handed down from generation to generation. If you should spend a few days in one of France's twenty-two Regions, A.F.Touch - Cuisine will provide you with the names and addresses of French restaurants where you will discover, or rediscover, the many flavors of the French cuisine we offer you on this site. When speaking of such traditional specialities from our soil and french cuisine , many mouth-watering recipes immediately come to mind.These French recipes are an integral part of our cultural cooking heritage. The result of our culinary creativity which arise from a search for excelence through centuries of traditional family cooking : the " French touch " ! .... but enough chattering, welcome to France ! Enjoy your stroll …

    四、求个英文单词 (打寒颤时)咯咯地咬牙

    Shivering 颤抖的



    例:It is teeth-chattering cold!

    ♥希望采纳 不懂请追问哟♥






