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    发布时间:2023-03-13 11:32:25     稿源: 创意岭    阅读: 81        问大家








    后街男孩,Backstreet boys~他们是世界最强的男孩团体皇上皇!

    从<<Backstreet Boys>>到<<Never Gone>>全球保守估计总销售量超过7300万张,并且在美国就卖出了3600万张唱片。(包括一张14白金及一张13白金) —— 事实上单单靠这些数据,已经足够让他们载入史册并且与20世纪最伟大的那些人物靠在一起,他们无需再证明些什么。



    从<<Backstreet Boys>>到<<Never Gone>>全球保守估计总销售量超过7300万张,并且在美国就卖出了3600万张唱片。(包括一张14白金及一张13白金) —— 事实上单单靠这些数据,已经足够让他们载入史册并且与20世纪最伟大的那些人物靠在一起,他们无需再证明些什么。



    James McLean(中排左)、Nick Carter(前排左)、Brian Littrell(后排)、Kevin Richardson(前排右)、Howard Dorough(中排右)


    <<Backstreet Boys>>

    1.We've Got It Goin' On

    2.Anywhere For You

    3.Get Down (You're The One For Me)

    4.I'll Never Break Your Heart

    5.Quit Playin' Games (With My Heart)

    6.Boys Will Be Boys

    7.Just To Be Close To You

    8.I Wanna Be With You

    9.Everytime I Close My Eyes


    11.Let's Have A Party

    12.Roll With It

    13.Nobody But You

    14.Lay Down Beside Me

    <<Backstreet' Back >>

    1.Everybody (Backstreet' Back )

    2.As Long As You Love Me

    3.All I Have To Give

    4.Missing You

    5.That's The Way I Like It

    6.10,000 Promises

    7.Like A Child

    8.Hey,Mr.DJ(Keep Playin'This Song)

    9.Set Adriff On Memory Bliss

    10.That's What She Said

    11.If You Want It To Be Good Girl(Get Yourself A Bad Boy)

    12.All I Have To Give(Part II-The Conversation Mix)

    13.If I Don't Have You


    1.Larger Than Life

    2.I Want It That Way

    3.Show Me The Meaning Of Being Lonely

    4.It's Gotta Be You

    5.I Need You Tonight

    6.Don't Want You Back

    7.Don't Wanna Lose You Now

    8.The One

    9.Back To Your Heart

    10.Spanish Eyes

    11.No One Else Comes Close

    12.Perfect Fan

    13.I'll Be There For You

    14.I'll Be There For You

    <<Black and Blue>>

    1.The Call

    2.Shape Of My Heart

    3.Get Another Boyfriend

    4.Shining Star

    5.I Promise You

    6.Answer To Our Life


    8.More Than That


    10.Not For Me

    11.Yes I Will

    12.It's True

    13.What Makes You Different

    14.How Did I Fall In Love With You

    15.All I Have To Give (Acappella)

    <<The Greatest Hits: Chapter One>> (精选集)

    1.I Want It That Way

    2.Everybody (Backstreet's Back)

    3.As Long As You Love Me

    4.Show Me The Meaning Of Being Lonely

    5.Quit Playing Games (With My Heart)

    6.We've Got It Going On

    7.All I Have To Give

    8.Larger Than Life

    9.I'll Never Break Your Heart

    10.The Call

    11.Shape Of My Heart

    12.Get Down (You're The One For Me)

    13.Anywhere For You

    14.The One

    15.More Than That


    <<Never Gone>> (2005最新)


    2.Just Want You To Know

    3.Crawling Back To You

    4.Weird World

    5.I Still …

    6.Poster Girl

    7.Lose It All

    8.Climbing The Walls

    9.My Beautiful Woman

    10.Safest Place To Hide


    12.Never Gone

    13.Song For The Unloved

    14.Rush Over Me



    圣诞单曲---Christmas Time

    西班牙语I'll Never Break Your Heart---Spanish Version(Nunca Te Hare Lloror)

    Lp Version

    <<Millennium>>专辑预告---Announce In Advance 1999

    <<Never Gone>>(试听版)

    1.Climbing the Walls

    2.Poster Girl

    3.Beautiful Woman

    4.Forces Of Nature


    6.The Unlove

    7.Never Gone

    8.Love Is

    9.Over Her

    10.Color My World


    可要知道:他们可是5年后才回来的.在这几年里,歌手层出不穷,无论是风靡一时...还是大红大紫...后街这个名字也许在大家的心里有了稍稍的淡化。但是5年后的今天,后街还是回来了。。带着他们久违的新专集《NEVER GONE》重新回到了我们的身边。

    《Never Gone》的创作与制作阵容坚强,有Five For Fighting的John Ondrasik以及Savage Garden的Darren Hayes,还有在今年二月刚以Sheryl Crow专辑获得葛莱美奖的制作人John Shanks。《Never Gone》在美国首周销售量超过30万,依然在Billboard专集榜上拿到了第三的位子。并且这张专集在全球六个国家与地区拿到冠军位子。(德国,加拿大,日本,印度以及整个东南亚地区 —— 香港台湾马来西亚等等)

    在新加坡,Never Gone首周卖出了6000多张。Incomplete在Perfect 10’s Top 20上停留了七周,最高成绩第二位。而在Power 98’s Red Hot 100上已经是八周的冠军。

    随即《Just Want You to Know》做为第二波单曲出现各大电台。

    后街第三首主打新歌《 I still 》的mv拍摄已经进入后期制作阶段,由于Just want you to know的mv被美国mtv音乐频道查封,所以这首mv里后街五人众全部为古典绅士造型。






    他们无懈可击的和声,他们天衣无缝的配合,他们完美的舞台演出,他们的团队精神,他们的一切都那么的让我痴迷。。。 认识他们在欧美音乐刚刚在中国大幅度推行的年代,随着岁月的流失,我们长大了,他们成熟了。。。











    安科纳(意大利) Ancona

    奥勒松(挪威) Aalesund

    安纳巴(阿尔及利亚) Annaba

    奥胡斯(丹麦) Aarhus

    安托法加斯塔(智利) Antofagasta

    阿巴丹(伊朗) Abadan

    安特卫普(比利时) Antwerp



    阿不扎比(阿联酋) Abu Dhabi

    阿帕帕(尼日利亚) Apapa

    阿卡胡特拉(萨尔瓦多) Acajutla

    阿皮亚(西萨摩亚) Apia

    阿卡普尔科(墨西哥) Acapulco

    亚喀巴(约旦) Aqaba[Akaba]




    阿尔汉格尔斯克(俄罗斯) Arkhangelsk



    阿加尼亚(关岛) Agana

    雅典(希腊) Athens

    亚历山大(埃及) Alexandria




    阿姆斯特丹(荷兰)Amsterdam美洲海港 中美洲及加勒比海地区(CENTRAL AMERICA & CARIBBEAN) 巴拿马PANAMA

    巴尔博亚(Balboa, PA)

    (Coco Solo, PA)

    克里斯托巴尔(Cristobal, PA)

    巴拿马(Panama, PA)


    牙买加(Jamaica, JM)

    波多黎各(PUERTO RICO)

    法哈多(Fajardo, PR)


    (Bayside, CA)

    (Botwood, CA)

    夏洛特敦(Charlottetown, CA)

    彻奇子(Churchill, CA)

    (Come By Chance, CA)

    (Corner Brook, CA)

    达尔豪西(Dalhousie, CA)

    乔治敦(Georgetown, CA)

    古斯贝(Goose Bay - Terrington Basin, CA)

    古斯贝(Goose Bay - Terrington Basin (West Dock), CA)

    哈利法克斯(Halifax, CA)

    朗鲍德(Long Pond, CA)

    (Mulgrave, CA)

    纽卡斯尔(Newcastle, CA)

    纽芬兰岛(Newfoundland and Labrador, CA)

    蒙特利尔(Montreal, CA)

    (North Fraser, CA)

    (North Sydney (Nova Scotia), CA)

    (Pictou, CA)

    (Port Alberni, CA)

    鲁珀特王子港(Prince Rupert, CA)

    魁北克(Quebec, CA)

    圣约翰(Saint John, CA)

    (Saint Lawrence Seaway System Ports, US)

    (Souris, CA)

    斯提芬维(Stephenville, CA)

    萨默塞德(Summerside, CA)

    悉尼(锡德尼)(Sydney, CA)

    多伦多(Toronto, CA)

    温哥华市(Vancouver, CA (Official Site) (CA))

    温哥华岛(Vancouver, CA)

    (Vancouver, BC)


    维拉克鲁斯 (Veracruz, MX)


    巴尔的摩(Baltimore, US)

    巴吞鲁日(Baton Rouge, US)

    贝林哈姆(Bellingham, US)

    本顿(Benton, US)

    波士顿(Boston, US)

    布雷默顿(Bremerton, US)

    彭斯哈本(Burns Harbor, US)

    卡姆登(或坎登)(Camden, US)

    查尔斯顿(Charleston, US)

    查塔姆(Chatham (New Brunswick), US)

    夏洛特(Charlotte, US)

    (Clark Maritime Center, US)

    哥伦布(Columbus, US)

    科珀斯克里斯港(Corpus Christi, US)

    荷兰港(Dutch Harbor, US)

    伊利(Erie-Western Pennsylvania, US)

    加尔维斯顿(Galveston, US0

    乔治敦(Georgetown, US)

    佐治亚(Georgia Ports Authority, US)

    (Grays Harbor, US)

    格林斯伯勒(Greensboro, US)

    格尔夫涅特(Gulfport, US)

    哈灵顿(Harlingen, US)

    休士顿(Houston, US)

    伊比利亚(Iberia, US)

    杰克逊维尔(Jacksonville, US)

    卡拉马(Kalama, US)

    (Kennewick, US)

    科迪亚克岛(Kodiak, US)

    (Krotz Springs, US)

    (Lake Providence, US)

    刘易斯顿(Lewiston, US)

    长滩(Long Beach, US)

    洛杉矶(Los Angeles, US)

    迈阿密(Miami, US)

    密尔沃基(Milwaukee, US)

    (Morehead City, US)

    新罕布什尔(New Hampshire State Port Authority, US)

    新奥尔良(New Orleans, US)

    新奥尔良(New Orleans, US (Industrial Canal & Gulf Outlet))

    纽约(New York and New Jersey Maritime Association, USA)

    奥克兰(Oakland, US)

    俄勒冈洲(State of Oregon, US)

    棕榈滩(Palm Beach, US)

    帕斯科(Pasco, US)

    费城(Philadelphia, US)

    匹兹堡(Pittsburgh, US)

    (Point Comfort, US)

    阿瑟港(Port Arthur, US)

    (Port Everglades, US)

    (Port Hueneme, US)

    (Port Lavaca, US)

    波特兰(Portland, US)

    朴次茅斯(Portsmouth, US)

    里士满(Richmond, US)

    萨克拉门托(Sacramento, US)

    圣贝尔纳(St. Bernard, US)

    (Saint Paul, US)

    圣迭戈(San Diego, US)

    (San Diego / Public Notices, US)

    旧金山(San Francisco, US)

    萨凡纳(Savannah, US)

    西雅图(Seattle, US) (PAN)

    (Southwind Maritime Center, US)

    斯托克顿(Stockton, US)

    (Tacoma, US)

    坦帕(Tampa, USA)

    (Thunder Bay, USA)

    (Valdez, US)

    温哥华(Vancouver, US)

    西佛吉尼亚(West Virgina Ports, US)

    (Whitman County, US)

    威尔明顿(Wilmington, Delaware US)

    威尔明顿(Wilmington, North Carolina US)


    伊塔雅伊(Itajai, BR)

    里奥格兰德(Rio Grande, BR)

    桑托斯(Santos, BR)


    巴兰基亚(Barranquilla, CO)

    (Sociedad Portuaria Regional de Barranquilla)

    布埃纳文图拉(Buenaventura, CO)

    (Buenaventura, CO)

    卡纳赫纳(Cartagena, CO)

    Cartagena, CO

    保利瓦港(Puerto Bolivar, CO)

    普洛得克港(Puerto Prodeco, CO)

    圣玛尔塔(Santa Marta, CO) 非洲海港 埃及(EGYPT)

    苏伊士运河(Suez Canal, EG)


    开普顿(Cape Town, ZA)

    德班(Durban, ZA)

    东伦敦(East London, ZA)

    (Mossel Bay, ZA)

    伊丽莎白港(Port Elizabeth, ZA)

    理查兹湾(Richards Bay, ZA)

    萨尔达尼亚(Saldanha, ZA)



    加尔各答(Calcutta, IN)

    印度半岛(India - Ports, IN)

    (Pipavav, IN)


    川崎(Kawasaki, JP)

    名古屋(Nagoya, JP)

    千叶(Chiba, JP)

    神户(Kobe, JP)

    横滨(Yokohama, JP)

    北九洲(Kitakyushu, JP)


    釜山(Busan (KR))

    长项(Changhang (KR))

    镇海(Chinhae (KR))

    (Daesan (KR))

    (Donghae (KR))

    (Gojeong (KR))

    仁川(Inchon (KR))

    群山(Kunsan (KR))

    (Kwangyang (KR))

    马山(Masan (KR))

    木浦(Mokpo (KR))

    (Okke (KR))

    (Okpo (KR))

    浦项(Pohang (KR))

    平泽(Pyungtaek (KR))

    蔚山(Ulsan (KR))


    (Laem Chabang, TH)


    关岛(Guam) 马来西亚(MALAYSIA)

    柔佛(Johor, MY)

    新马(Kelang, MY)

    古晋(Kuching, MY)

    马六甲(Malacca, MY)

    槟榔屿(Penang, MY)

    三四务(Sibu, MY)


    马尼亚-南方港(Manilla - South Harbor, PH)


    新加坡(Singapore, SG) 欧洲海港


    安特卫普(Antwerp, BE)

    根特(Ghent, BE)

    佛兰芝(Zeebrugge, BE)


    (Maslenica, HR)


    ( Aabenraa, DK)

    奥尔堡(Aalborg, DK)

    哥本哈根 (Aalborghamn, DK)

    奥胡斯Aarhus, DK


    (Heltermaa, EE)

    (Kuivastu EE)

    (Muuga, EE)

    (Paldiski, EE)

    (Paljassaare, EE)

    派尔努(Parnu, EE)

    (Rohukula, EE)

    (Roomassaare, EE)

    塔林(Tallinn, EE)

    (Sviby, EE)

    (Virtsu, EE)


    赫尔辛基(Helsinki, FI)

    凯米(Kemi, FI)

    科科拉(Kokkola, FI)

    科特卡(Kotka, FI)

    奥卢(Oulu, FI)

    (Pietarsaari, F)I

    拉赫(Raahe, FI)

    (Tornio, FI)


    布雷斯特(Brest, FR)


    勒阿弗尔(Le Havre)



    基尔(Kiel, DE)



    直布罗陀海峡(Gibraltar, GI)


    塞萨洛尼基(Thessaloniki, GR)


    雷克雅未克(Reykjavik, IS)





    热那亚(Genoa, IT)

    (La Spezia, IT)

    (Livorno, IT)

    那卜勒斯(Naples (8 ports of Neapolitan System))



    里窝那(Ravenna, IT)


    萨沃纳(Savona, IT)


    威尼斯(Venice, IT)


    (Engure, LV)

    拉托维亚(Latvia, LV)

    利耶帕亚(Liepaja, LV)

    (Lielupe, LV)

    (Mersrags, LV)

    (Pavilosta, LV)

    里加(Riga, LV)

    罗哈(Roja, LV)

    (Salacgriva, LV)

    (Skulte, LV)

    文茨皮尔斯(Ventpils, LV)


    克莱佩达(Klaipeda, LT)


    鹿特丹(Rotterdam, NL)






    格丁尼亚(Gdynia, PL)


    塞图巴尔(Setubal, PT)


    海参崴(Vladivostok, RU)


    科佩尔(Koper, SI)


    毕尔巴鄂(Bilbao, ES)

    桑坦德(Santander, ES)

    维利亚加西(Vilagarcia, ES)


    奥胡斯(Ahus, SE)

    ( Hamosand, SE)

    赫尔辛堡(Helsingborg, SE)

    长尔马(Kalmar Hamn, SE)

    马尔默(Malm SE)

    瓦尔贝里(Varberg, SE)


    伊利切夫斯克(Ilyichevsk, UA)


    艾尔和特伦(Ayr and Troon, UK)

    巴罗(Barrow, UK)

    巴里(Barry, UK)

    加的夫(Cardiff, UK)

    科尔切斯特(Colchester, UK)

    弗利特伍德(Fleetwood, UK)

    古尔(Goole, UK)

    大雅茅斯(Great Yarmouth)

    格里姆斯比(Grimsby, UK)

    赫尔(Hull, UK)

    伊明赫姆(Immingham, UK)

    金斯林(King�0�7s Lynn, UK)

    伦敦(London, UK)

    洛斯托夫特(Lowestoft, UK)

    纽波特(Newport, UK)

    普利茅斯(Plymouth, UK)

    塔尔伯特港(Port Talbot, UK)

    (SCT, UK)

    西洛斯(Silloth, UK)

    (TCS, UK)

    廷茅斯(Teignmouth, UK)

    惠特比(Whitby, UK)

    斯温西(Swansea, UK) 大洋洲海港


    阿德莱德(Adelaide, AU)

    布里斯班(Brisbane, AU)

    (Cape Jervis, AU)

    达尔文(Darwin, AU)

    杰拉尔顿(Geraldton, AU)

    霍巴特(Hobart, AU)

    金斯科顿(Kingscote, AU)

    (Klein Point, AU)

    墨尔本(Melbourne, AU)

    (Penneshaw, AU)

    吉利港(Port Giles,AU)

    林肯港(Port Lincoln, AU)

    皮里港(Port Pirie, AU)

    泰弗纳德(Thevenard, AU)


    三、介绍一个美国棒球队 最好用英语


    Baseball is a bat-and-ball sport played between two teams of nine players each. The goal is to score runs by hitting a thrown ball with a bat and touching a series of four bases arranged at the corners of a ninety-foot square, or diamond. Players on one team (the batting team) take turns hitting against the pitcher of the other team (the fielding team), which tries to stop them from scoring runs by getting hitters out in any of several ways. A player on the batting team can stop at any of the bases and later advance via a teammate's hit or other means. The teams switch between batting and fielding whenever the fielding team records three outs. One turn at bat for each team constitutes an inning and nine innings make up a professional game. The team with the most runs at the end of the game wins.


    The history of baseball in the United States can be traced to the 18th century, when amateurs played a baseball-like game by their own informal rules using improvised equipment. The popularity of the sport inspired the semipro and professional baseball clubs in the 1860s.

    再次介绍美国职棒大联盟 (Major League Baseball):

    Major League Baseball (MLB) is the highest level of professional baseball in the United States and Canada. Specifically, Major League Baseball refers to the organization that operates the National League and the American League by a joint organizational structure that has developed gradually between them since 1901 (the National League having been in existence since 1876). In 2000, the two leagues ceased to be separate legal entities, with the commissioner's office assuming all responsibilities for running MLB.[4] MLB effectively operates as a single league and as such it constitutes one of the major professional sports leagues of the United States and Canada. It is currently composed of 30 teams — twenty-nine in the United States and one in Canada. In conjunction with the International Baseball Federation, MLB also manages the World Baseball Classic.


    波士顿红袜 (Boston Red Sox):

    The Boston Red Sox are a professional baseball team based in Boston, Massachusetts, and a member of the Major League Baseball’s American League Eastern Division. Founded in 1901 as one of the American League's eight charter franchises, the Red Sox's home ballpark has been Fenway Park since 1912. The "Red Sox" name was chosen by the team owner, John I. Taylor, around 1908, following previous Boston teams that had been known as the "Red Stockings".

    纽约洋基(New York Yankees):这是只比较牛的球队哈,偶推荐~~

    The New York Yankees are a professional baseball team based in the borough of the Bronx, in New York City, New York. They belong to Major League Baseball's American League East Division. One of the American League's eight charter franchises, the club was founded in Baltimore, Maryland in 1901 as the Baltimore Orioles and moved to New York City in 1903, becoming known as the New York Highlanders before being officially renamed the "Yankees" in 1913.[3] From 1923 to 2008, the Yankees' home ballpark was Yankee Stadium, one of the world's most famous sports venues. In 2009, they moved into a new stadium, also called "Yankee Stadium".[4]

    As of 2010, the franchise, which most recently won the World Series in 2009, led the league in both revenue and titles, with 27 World Series championships and 40 American League pennants. It has more championships than any other franchise in North American professional sports history, exceeding the 24 Stanley Cups won by the Montreal Canadiens.[5][6][7] Throughout its existence, the team has had some of the most celebrated players in Major League history, including Babe Ruth, Lou Gehrig, Joe DiMaggio, Mickey Mantle, and Yogi Berra. 44 Yankees have been inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame, and the team has retired the numbers of 16 players.

    The Yankees have achieved widespread popularity and a dedicated fanbase, although during the era of ownership by George Steinbrenner, they acquired a polarizing reputation from heavy spending on player salaries for the sake of recruiting top talent. Their rivalry with the Boston Red Sox is arguably the fiercest and most historic in North American professional sports. To support the Yankees and expand their media coverage, the dedicated television channel YES Network was launched in 2002, and it has become a large source of revenue for the franchise.

    洛杉矶道奇(Los Angeles Dodgers):嘿嘿,另一只偶喜欢的队队~~

    The Los Angeles Dodgers are a Major League Baseball team based in Los Angeles, California, USA. The team is in the Western Division of the National League. Established in 1883, the team originated in Brooklyn, New York, where it was known by a number of nicknames before becoming the Dodgers definitively by the 1932 season.[1][2] The team moved to Los Angeles before the 1958 season.[3] The Dodgers have tied with their rival, the San Francisco Giants, to win the most National League pennants (21); including ten National League West division titles, and two Wild Card appearances. They have appeared in 18 World Series, also tied with the Giants for most in the NL (although the Giants have been invited to the World Series one more time than the Dodgers, they boycotted the event in 1904) and have won six times.

    圣路易红雀(St. Louis Cardinals):这支也不错呐~~

    The Saint Louis Cardinals are a professional baseball team based in Saint Louis, Missouri. They are members of the Central Division in the National League of Major League Baseball. The Cardinals have won 10 World Series championships, tops in the National League and second in MLB only to the American League's New York Yankees, who have 27.

    The Cardinals were founded in the American Association in 1882 as the St. Louis Brown Stockings, taking the name from an earlier National League team. They joined the National League in 1892 and have been known as the Cardinals since 1900.

    The Cardinals began playing in the current Busch Stadium in 2006, and were the first team since the Yankees in 1923 to win the World Series in their first season in a new ballpark (the Yankees would repeat the feat in 2009 at the new Yankee Stadium). The Cardinals have a rivalry with the Chicago Cubs.

    奥克兰运动家(Oakland Athletics):呃...也挺牛的~~

    The Oakland Athletics are a Major League Baseball team based in Oakland, California. The Athletics are a member of the Western Division of Major League Baseball's American League. From 1968 to the present, the Athletics have played in the Oakland Coliseum.

    One of the American League's eight charter franchises, the club was founded in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in 1901 as the Philadelphia Athletics. The team had some prominent success in Philadelphia, winning three of four World Series from 1910 to 1914 (the "First Dynasty") and two in a row in 1929 and 1930 (the "Second Dynasty"). The team's owner and manager for its first 50 years was Connie Mack, and its Hall-of-Fame players included Chief Bender, Frank "Home Run" Baker, Jimmie Foxx and Lefty Grove. After two decades of decline, however, the team left Philadelphia for Kansas City in 1955 and became the Kansas City Athletics. After 13 mostly uneventful seasons in the Midwest, the team moved to Oakland in 1968. There a "Third Dynasty" soon emerged, with three World Championships in a row from 1972 to 1974 led by players including Catfish Hunter and Reggie Jackson, and colorful owner Charlie O. Finley. Finally, a "Fourth Dynasty" won three consecutive pennants and the 1989 World Series behind Mark McGwire, Jose Canseco and Dennis Eckersley.


    巴尔的摩金莺(Baltimore Orioles)

    坦帕湾魔鬼鱼(Tampa Bay Devil Rays)

    多伦多蓝鸟(Toronto Blue Jays)

    芝加哥白袜(Chicago White Sox)

    克里夫兰印第安人(Cleveland Indians)

    底特律老虎(Detroit Tigers)

    堪萨斯市皇家(Kansas City Royals)

    明尼苏达双城(Minnesota Twins)

    安纳海姆之洛杉矶天使(Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim)

    西雅图水手(Seattle Mariners)

    德克萨斯游骑兵(又称德州游骑兵,Texas Rangers)

    亚特兰大勇士(Atlanta Braves)

    佛罗里达马林鱼(Florida Marlins)

    纽约大都会(New York Mets)

    费城费城人(Philadelphia Phillies)

    华府国民(Washington Nationals)

    芝加哥小熊队(Chicago Cubs)

    辛辛纳提红人(Cincinnati Reds)

    休斯顿太空人(Houston Astros)

    密尔沃基酿酒人(Milwaukee Brewers)

    匹兹堡海盗(Pittsburgh Pirates)

    亚利桑那响尾蛇(Arizona Diamondbacks)

    科罗拉多落矶(Colorado Rockies)

    圣迭戈教士(San Diego Padres)

    旧金山巨人(San Francisco Giants)

    注:那个......我不太清楚你要介绍什么方面的内容,所以球队英文都给你了,你觉得我以上给你的不合适,你可以用英文google搜下:www.google.com 网上有很多内容供你选择!

    四、Aaron Carter的英文资料

    全名 Aaron Charles Carter

    绰号 Airboy,AC

    生日 1987.12.7

    出生地 Tampa Bay,Florida,U.S.A.

    头发颜色 金色

    瞳孔颜色 棕色

    宠物 3只猫(Lucky, Muffy和Sugar), 4只狗(Pepper和Salty是小型的德国刚毛犬, Simba和Samson是痛恨猫的看门狗)。

    爱好 棒球,篮球,游泳,钓鱼,吹萨克斯,玩电游

    最喜欢的玩具 收集Ninja Turtles

    最喜欢的学科 音乐,数学

    最喜欢的颜色 蓝色

    最喜欢的食物 批萨

    最喜欢的饮料 雪碧

    最喜欢的影星 史泰龙

    最喜欢的电影 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 1-3

    最喜欢的汽车牌子 Porshe,BMW

    最喜欢的BSB成员 Nick

    最喜欢的乐队和歌手 当然是BSB,还有Michael Jackson

    最喜欢的棒球队 Oakland A's

    今年12月将满17岁的亚伦·卡特,是红遍全球的“后街男孩”(Backstreet Boys)最年轻成员尼克(Nick)的弟弟,但他在乐坛上的表现一点都不逊色于哥哥尼克。从7岁开始音乐生涯,亚伦以他充满激情和个性的演唱而崭露头角。1997年他在“后街男孩”德国柏林演唱会上献艺,同年推出个人首支单曲,引起轰动。1998年的首张专辑打进了全球各地的十大排行榜,获得了12个国家的金唱片销量,当时13岁的他成为了英国音乐史上拥有连续4首十大金曲的年轻歌手。同时Aaron Carter\'s Party(Come Get It)的音乐电视也登上了美国告示排行榜榜首,并获得了白金唱片。2001年亚伦·卡特还击败了阿姆(Arm)、夏奇(Shaggy)、“摇滚小子”乐团(Kid Rock)等歌坛大哥,获得美国青少年票选最爱男歌手奖。


    继上张专辑《天之骄子》(Oh Arron)之后,2002年他又推出全新大碟《又一场地震》。除了延续亚伦·卡特一贯的嘻哈、饶舌音乐曲风外,还融入了摇滚元素。专辑的制作阵容十分强大,邀请到“超级男孩”及威尔·史密斯的御用制作人,使亚伦的音乐更具多元性及可听性。首支单曲《夏日时光》,邀请到巴哈·曼(Baha Men)特别加盟,整首歌曲充满了夏日慵懒的风情;《有你就有我》是亚伦要献给歌迷的真心告白;《相信我》温柔的抒情曲调,唱出了青涩少年对爱情的期待。

    阔别5年,亚伦·卡特有望明年开始他首度的亚洲巡回演唱会之旅。当年可爱的新好弟弟,经过5年的成长,已成为一位翩翩美少年,而唱片公司也希望亚伦·卡特能跳出新好弟弟的稚嫩形象,给了他“新型优质偶像”的称号,希望歌迷们能把亚伦当作一个年轻小伙来看待,而别再把他当作“X X 的弟弟”了。现在的他,更是以e时代美型新偶像之姿态向全世界展现他青春的魅力。



    Aaron Carter 资料档案

    全名: aaron charles carter

    昵称: airboy, ac (by nick), evil knievel (by dad), cyclone (by gary carolla), big "a" (by gary carolla), little prince of pop (by mom), banchee (by dad), mc ac, mc aaron, baby backstreet, airhead (by dad), aar-bear, aaron c, stella boy, little percy, k-ce

    年龄: 15

    生日: 1987年12月7日星期一早晨8:02(比他的双胞胎姐姐晚1分钟)

    星座: 人马座

    现状: 单身...再一次!

    诞生石: 绿宝石

    出生地: tampa, fl at tampa general hospital

    成长地: ruskin, fl

    现在居住地: marathon in the fl keys

    发色: 棕色和金色混合

    眼睛颜色: 棕色

    身高: 185公分

    体重: 68公斤-结实的肌肉

    内裤: ck 拳击短裤

    鞋号: 10 1/2

    会玩的乐器: 鼓,萨克斯管,钢琴,低音电吉他

    宗教: 基督教

    最喜欢的礼物: 他的狗-oscar,摩托车,圣诞节刚得到的跑车

    ☆ 爱 好 ☆

    书: 海底两万里

    宠物: oscar - 一只德国猎狗

    车: black viper, `67 shelby mustang gt500

    运动: 越野摩托,篮球,橄榄球

    橄榄球队: denver broncos

    大学: fsu(佛罗里达州立大学)

    食物: 意大利面,匹萨饼,寿司,鸡翅

    匹萨上的配料: 奶酪,意大利辣香肠

    快餐: 麦当劳,fat burger

    油炸圈饼: glazed krispe kremes

    零食: fruit-roll-ups

    麦片: kellogg`s frosted flakes, lucky charms

    饮料: sprite

    糖果: jolly rancher棒棒糖,runts

    糖块: twix

    冰淇淋: 巧克力味

    颜色: 蓝和绿

    服装: sean john, guess

    男演员: george clooney, bruce willis

    女演员: sandra bullock

    电视节目: 老友记,极限运动

    动画片: johnny bravo, ren and stimpy

    电影: shrek

    一星期的哪一天: 星期五

    动物: 狼,老虎,狗

    月份: 12月

    节日: 生日,圣诞节

    运动品牌: 耐克

    服装设计师: sketchers

    身体部分: 头发

    bennie娃娃: bronty

    洗发水: infusiom 23

    室内消遣: 玩任天堂游戏机

    任天堂游戏: 塞尔达传说

    爱好: 摩托车

    乐队: journey, sting, metallica, michael jackson

    说唱歌手: tupac

    女艺术家: jessica simpson

    britney还是christina: christina

    olsen双胞胎: mary kate

    歌: "send her my love" - journey

    "aaron carter" 中的歌: "i`m gonna miss you forever"

    "aaron`s party" 中的歌: "bounce"

    "oh aaron" 中的歌: "stride"

    "another earthquake" 中的歌: "when it comes to you"

    nick carter的歌: "my confession"

    music video: "bad" - michael jackson

    老师: mrs. matthews

    科目: 数学和音乐


    01) oscar buntin carter 银色的wiemaraner (aaron的"儿子")

    02) jo-jo 灰白色的西伯利亚爱斯基摩狗

    03) merlyn bj的白灰色的shih tzu

    04) pepper 一对mini-schnauzers中的一只,和ac的祖父母住在纽约

    05) salty 另一只mini-schnauzer,和ac的祖父母住在纽约

    06) pharaoh 黑褐色的(德国种)罗特韦尔犬,aaron起的名字

    07) sky 黑褐色的(德国种)罗特韦尔犬,ac的父亲bob起的名字

    08) sampson carter家的德国shepard

    09) simba carter家的金毛猎犬

    10) zena 黑色的doberman

    11) keela 一只jack russell terrier

    12) sparky 一只shih tzu

    13) precious ac妈妈的哈巴狗

    14) bear 不知道

    15) t.j. 不知道

    16) tikki 一只灰白色的shi tzu

    17) akayia 一只狼狗

    18) mikey jordan nick的哈巴狗

    19) willy wonka nick的哈巴狗

    20) huston nick的哈巴狗

    21) sabbath nick孩童时期的迷你pincher (已经安息了)

    22) rambo aaron新得到的小狗, 一只黑色的哈巴狗


    01) ladybird 一只白色的美冠鹦鹉

    02) chubby 一只蓝色的长尾小鹦鹉

    03) goliath 一只黄色的美冠鹦鹉


    01) bandit 一只黑白猫 (已经安息了)

    02) lucky 一只红桔色的虎斑猫



    爸爸: (bob) robert gene carter

    妈妈: jane e. spaulding carter

    哥哥: nick carter (23)

    姐姐: ginger [同父异母] (31), b. j. (22), leslie (17), angel [twin] (16)

    外祖父: (doug) charles douglas spaulding

    外继祖母: linda spaulding

    外祖母: helen neal

    祖父: (chuck) charles carter

    祖母: barbara carter

    舅舅: scott, steve, and john spaulding

    叔叔: 无

    姑姑: 已结婚: scott`s wife - roxanne spaulding, john`s wife - denise spaulding, and steve`s ex-wife - debbie spaulding (technically no longer aaron`s aunt)

    阿姨: 无

    表/堂兄弟姐妹: steve and debbie`s kids: john (22), steve (17), alex (14), josh (13), adam (7), and arynn (6) spaulding; scott and roxanne`s kids: dustin (21) and derek (19) spaulding; john and denise`s kids: scott (7) and evan (3) spaulding

    最好的朋友: craig velger

    angel的朋友: allison murphy, lindsay lohan (actress), natalie velger (craig`s sister)

    nick的朋友: tony bass, mike self, brett

    宠物: aaron有42只宠物





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