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    发布时间:2023-03-15 19:01:42     稿源: 创意岭    阅读: 104        问大家














    保洁服务已经越来越被大家接受和需要,并已经进入了千家万户的生活中。是人们提升现代生活质量的一个里程碑。下面是清洁公司简介 范文 ,欢迎参阅。


    广州友邦清洁服务有限公司是一家具有法人资格的,专业的后勤服务公司。秉承诚信、亮丽、高效、务实的发展原则,配备有先进的清洁机械设备、保养设备,公司采用意大利特丽洁、美国洁士所生产的高质量、高水准、纯环保的清洁用品和专业设备。经过长期的清洁保洁工作,使公司具备了丰富的技术 经验 及专业的清洁人员。公司致力于环保,注重于美化,全力塑造诚心、省心、舒心、放心、信心 五星服务精神,走创新之路,全心全意为顾客服务,已为广州及周边地区多个大厦、宾馆、别墅区、娱乐中心、物业小区等提供了专业化的保洁技术与服务。 公司成立以来,一直为企事业单位,家庭,宾馆,学校,别墅,酒店,商厦,物业小区,公共设施等场所提供科学的清洁工程开荒、外墙清洗、地毯清洗、油烟机清洗、地板打蜡、石材翻新、晶面处理、日常保洁、企业定点保洁、驻场保洁、物业管理、环境空气净化、环卫清扫、垃圾清运、管道疏通、园林绿化、家政、搬家,运输等后勤服务。 主营业务: 高空作业部:外墙清洗,外墙粉刷,幕墙维修,外墙翻新,户外广吿安装。 日常保洁部:开荒保洁,厂房清洗,地毯清洗,沙发清洗、打蜡,水池清洗。 物业保洁部:工厂保洁,物业保洁,商场保洁,医院保洁,街道环卫保洁,写字楼保洁。 石材养护部:石材清洗,石材养护,石材翻新、晶面处理,各类地板打蜡。 管道疏通部:专业机械疏通厕所、疏通下水道,专车清理化粪池、清理化油池等。 园林绿化部:绿化杀虫、绿化修剪、植物养护、绿化工程、园林设计等服务。 空气净化治理部:各种居室、办公楼室内空气污染检测、并提供有效治理、净化。 搬家部:提供工厂、公司、单位搬迁,家庭搬家业务。 我们的定位:以现代化、专业化的新概念清洁服务提供给广大商户! 我们的理念:以诚至信,服务认真、负责的态度,以客户的要求为准则,力争做到更好、更美观、更快速! 我们的目标:让我们的家居更健康,更亮丽,更清新! 我们的团队:专业、热情、细致、周到! 友邦清洁公司为给社会各界朋友创造一个美丽的家园而不断努力!


    广州绿硕清洁服务是集石材翻新、物业开荒、清洁、外墙????清洗、物业保洁、地毯清洗、油烟机清洗等于一体的多功能专业室内外清洁环保企业。 本公司自创立以来,为了切实满足广州及周边地区的保洁、清洁需求,在广州市各区铺设清洁公司营业网点的基础上增设了东莞清洁、佛山清洁、增城清洁、从化清洁等清洁公司,力求为客户提供更好更快的清洁服务。 十余年来,拥有先进的石材翻新机、清洁保洁设备30余台,并拥有一支专业培训、高素质 爱岗敬业 的清洁、保洁队伍。

    广州绿硕清洁公司高压清洗大型油烟机 ,对酒店 ,餐厅的大型油烟机清洗有成熟的经验,采用高压水射流清洗机清除污垢,充分诠释”低碳,环保”的理念。根据现场为客户量身制定高效,安全的清洗方案。充分体现“低碳,节能”,让客户百分百放心,也是对您选择我们“君祥”的最好回报。公司人员全部经过专业知识培训,做到完全,彻底。让你的工作环境更加舒适,完全达到国家消防部门防火要求。





    3、吸油烟机的外壳表面和网罩一般按 说明书 规定的周期进行清洗,采用软布沾有少量的放有中性洗涤剂的温水进行擦洗。再用干的软布擦干。






















    “让顾客满意,让顾客的顾客满意”, 君祥物业自成立以来,专注于物业服务及市容环卫保洁领域,至今我们仍在孜孜以求。

    君祥物业公司将持续秉承“诚信、严谨、勤奋、细致”的服务理念,在结合国家 政策法规 和贵单位的实际需要的前提下,凭借在长期服务过程中积累的实践经验以及丰富的资源为广大客户提供优质的保安服务、物业保洁、绿化养护、开荒清洁、外墙壁清洗、地毯清洗、石材养护、空气治理、水池清洗、油烟机清洗、消杀四害、地板抛光打蜡等服务项目。


    海远联保洁服务有限公司是一家专业保洁服务的大型企业,自2008年公司成立后在各级领导和职员的精心钻研与努力下现以成为上海保洁公司行业中最具有实力的专业保洁公司。公司设有:清洗地毯服务部、地面清洁、地面清洗、地板打蜡服务部、石材抛光、石材结晶、石材翻新、石材清洗、大理石、水磨石、翻新、清洗、打蜡服务部、新居开荒保洁服务部、擦洗玻璃服务部、各种水箱清洗、 布艺 沙发清洗、真皮沙发清洗保养服务部、外墙清洗、 广告 牌清洗服务部,粉刷涂料服务部等。公司2008年专注于水磨石翻新,大理石结晶养护服务。为了更好的明天,做更好的保养。目前公司拥有各层的各类管理人员,以人性化,规范化,科学化的管理方式迎得了新老客户的赞誉,公司现设有:上海浦东保洁公司|上海徐汇保洁公司|上海黄浦保洁公司|公司现与上海保洁公司,天津保洁公司,广州保洁公司,石家庄保洁强强联 手相 互交流创造成中国一流更专业,更标准,更规范,更科技化国际化的专业保洁队伍。公司2008年主要服务热门服务:上海保洁服务项目:清洗地毯,清洗沙发,清洗外墙,地板打蜡,开荒保洁,室内保洁,清洗地面,家庭保洁,日常保洁,商场保洁。 上海保洁公司简介 上海远联保洁服务有限公司成立于2008年,是一家集清洗保洁服务于一体的综合性保洁服务公司。公司现有一支高素质的专业技术工程施工人员和有着丰富管理经验的管理人员,所有施工人员上岗前都经过了严格的技术培训。公司成立以来一直竭诚致力于引进国外先进清洗设备、建立完善的服务体系。公司规范化、人性化的企业环境使员工们更加诚信、更加敬业、更加热忱,特别是定期的业内行家的技术培训与指导,使他们更加专业化、更加标准化,无论是室内保洁服务还是 地毯清洗服务、外墙清洗,他们都能够胜任各种场所的施工及现场指挥工作。“让世界更清洁,让生活更美好”是远联人的一致信念。“低价位,高质量,享受星级服务” 是远联的服务理念。

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    China Oil HBP Science & Technology Corporation Ltd (hereinafter referred to as HBP) is a stockholding-system new and high-tech enterprise approved by Beijing City Government and listed in Shenzhen Stock Exchange successfully. The company is mainly engaged in the development, production and marketing of oil, gas and water separator, heater, electric dehydrator, natural gas filter separator, cyclone separator, filter, dosing device and such surface process equipment and oilfield environmental-protection services, such as oily sludge treatment process proposal, tank cleaning process proposal, oily sewage treatment process proposal. The company has abundant software and hardware strength and first-class new and high-tech product researchers and Level A1 & A2 pressure vessel design qualifications and Class GC pressure pipe design qualification, so it constitutes a pattern of production, research and sales, and the business fields involves domestic and overseas petrochemical industries. Since the establishment of the company, it has been pursuing the development guideline of “Technological Innovation and People Orientation” and actively going deep into the front line of oilfield production in order to seek, find, explore and develop new and high-tech products that are good for sales, so we can commit ourselves to saving the energy, reducing the consumption, protecting the environment, decreasing the project investment and improving the management for our customers. The company has an annual income of 600,000,000 RMB.

    In early 2008, according to the demands of the international oil equipment market and the development plan, the company successfully introduced the strategic investment partners for capital injection in order to reconstruct the stockholding system. The registered capital was increased from the original 12,000,000 RMB to 202,500,000 RMB after the approval of Beijing City Administration for Industry and Commerce; meanwhile, the company established a comprehensive base integrated with production, research and service in Daqing, the largest oil production base in China. In the base, the plants cover an area of 40,000 m2, the research and comprehensive buildings 10,000 m2, the max lifting capacity 100 tons, equipped with various machining equipment, automatic welding equipment, blanking equipment, heat treatment equipment, full-automatic sand blasting and derusting equipment, baking varnish equipment, various testing equipment and material

    analysis instruments. The machining and general assembly ability is anticipated up to 30,000 tons annually, which lays the foundation for realizing the internationalization of oil equipment and technical service.

    The company has more than 500 staff, in which 2 staff with PhD degree, 26 staff with mater degree, 72 staff with senior technical title in relevant disciplines, most of the staff come from the oilfield design and production management units with abundant design and development experience. The company has developed many new and high-tech products leading in the same industry and the company has 15 national patents.

    Especially in the aspect of the oil, gas and water three-phase separation technique research, the company has a batch of middle-aged and young technicians. Xiao Rong, the deputy general manager and chief engineer of the company is a typical representative, who made major contributions in the aspect of oil, gas and water three-phase separation technique research in late 1980s, developed Type I & II three-phase separators, was awarded the 2nd Youth Technology Prize of China, Excellent Middle-Aged & Young Expert of CNPC and Excellent Designer, and was interviewed by Jiang Zemin, the former General Secretary of CPC and Comrade Wang Tao and Zhou Yongkang, the former leaders of CNPC.

    Our company especially invites Expert Pan Yuqi, the professor-class senior engineer, who made prominent contributions in the aspect of domestic fully-airtight crude gathering and transportation process research, was awarded the first batch of National-Class Design Master, as the technical consultant. Integrated with different geological conditions of reservoirs, characteristics of crude, development, gathering and transportation processes in domestic oilfields, Mr. Pan made a new breakthrough in the aspect of oil, gas and water three-phase separation technology. In resent years, HBP provided various separators, heaters, electric dehydrators, dosing devices and such products for Sudan FULA Oilfield, Kazakstan Zhanarol Oilfield, ADM Oilfield, Kenkyak Pre-salt Oilfield, North Buzachi Oilfield, Syria State-Owned Oil Company RUMELAN Oilfield, GEBEIBE Oilfield, Algeria ZARZAITINE Oilfield, BZ25-1 FPSO and WHP A/B/C/D/E/F of Bohai Sea Oilfield of CNOOC, Friendship FPSO of Bo South Oilfield, Daqing Oilfield, Dagang Oilfield, Liao River Oilfield, Shengli

    Oilfield, North China Oilfield, Sichuan Oilfield, Xinjiang Oilfield, Qinghai Oilfield and such oilfields, and provided filter separators, cyclone separators, filters and such equipment for Sino-Kazakstan Natural Gas Pipeline Project, Atasu-Alataw Pass Crude Pipeline Project, Sichuan-East Gas Transportation Project and part of domestic oil and gas pipeline projects. Both the product quality and after-sale service are praised by the customers.

    In recent years, with the consecutive increase of the business requirements in the aspect of environmental protection in the oilfields, HBP also sees this field as the important development direction of the company. HBP has developed the internationally leading process solutions in the aspects of oily sludge treatment, tank cleaning and oily sewage treatment in the oilfields, and promoted those technologies to the largest domestic oilfields. Based on a large number of practices, the environmental-protection philosophy and process solutions of HBP are verified and recognized by the customers.

    In the course of product design, machining, fabrication, commissioning and after-sale service, our company complies with the International Standard ISO9001:2000, keeps improving on design, carries out strict field management and considerate after-sale service.

    “Innovation, Pragmatism, Integrity and Humanness” is the development principle followed by our company all the time. With the help and support of all levels of leaders, we are competent and confident that we could make more contribution for the project development of your company.

    Daqing HBP Oil Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as Daqing HBP) is the wholly-owned subsidiary subject to China Oil HBP Science & Technology Corporation Ltd.

    Daqing HBP is located in Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province. As the integrated research and developing base of HBP, it covers an area of 40,000 m2 or so. Now it has about 300 staff, including more than 60 technicians and 12 senior engineers. The company is equipped with more than 100 sets of machining and manufacturing

    equipment and the annual production capacity is more than 30,000 tons.

    As a professional oil equipment manufacturing company, Daqing HBP can undertake the fabrication of Level I, II & III Pressure Vessel, including all kinds of non-standard pressure vessels. Daqing HBP has A2 Pressure Vessel Manufacturing Certificate (No.TS2210989-2013), ASME U Certificate of Authorization (No.39201) and the certificates of ISO9001-2000 QMS , ISO14001-2004 EMS and GB/T28001:2001 OHSMS.


    China Oil HBP Science & Technology Corporation Ltd (hereinafter referred to as HBP) is a stockholding-system new and high-tech enterprise approved by Beijing City Government and listed in Shenzhen Stock Exchange successfully. The company is mainly engaged in the development, production and marketing of oil, gas and water separator, heater, electric dehydrator, natural gas filter separator, cyclone separator, filter, dosing device and such surface process equipment and oilfield environmental-protection services, such as oily sludge treatment process proposal, tank cleaning process proposal, oily sewage treatment process proposal. The company has abundant software and hardware strength and first-class new and high-tech product researchers and Level A1 & A2 pressure vessel design qualifications and Class GC pressure pipe design qualification, so it constitutes a pattern of production, research and sales, and the business fields involves domestic and overseas petrochemical industries. Since the establishment of the company, it has been pursuing the development guideline of “Technological Innovation and People Orientation” and actively going deep into the front line of oilfield production in order to seek, find, explore and develop new and high-tech products that are good for sales, so we can commit ourselves to saving the energy, reducing the consumption, protecting the environment, decreasing the project investment and improving the management for our customers. The company has an annual income of 600,000,000 RMB.

    In early 2008, according to the demands of the international oil equipment market and the development plan, the company successfully introduced the strategic investment partners for capital injection in order to reconstruct the stockholding system. The registered capital was increased from the original 12,000,000 RMB to 202,500,000 RMB after the approval of Beijing City Administration for Industry and Commerce; meanwhile, the company established a comprehensive base integrated with production, research and service in Daqing, the largest oil production base in China. In the base, the plants cover an area of 40,000 m2, the research and comprehensive buildings 10,000 m2, the max lifting capacity 100 tons, equipped with various machining equipment, automatic welding equipment, blanking equipment, heat treatment equipment, full-automatic sand blasting and derusting equipment, baking varnish equipment, various testing equipment and material

    analysis instruments. The machining and general assembly ability is anticipated up to 30,000 tons annually, which lays the foundation for realizing the internationalization of oil equipment and technical service.

    The company has more than 500 staff, in which 2 staff with PhD degree, 26 staff with mater degree, 72 staff with senior technical title in relevant disciplines, most of the staff come from the oilfield design and production management units with abundant design and development experience. The company has developed many new and high-tech products leading in the same industry and the company has 15 national patents.

    Especially in the aspect of the oil, gas and water three-phase separation technique research, the company has a batch of middle-aged and young technicians. Xiao Rong, the deputy general manager and chief engineer of the company is a typical representative, who made major contributions in the aspect of oil, gas and water three-phase separation technique research in late 1980s, developed Type I & II three-phase separators, was awarded the 2nd Youth Technology Prize of China, Excellent Middle-Aged & Young Expert of CNPC and Excellent Designer, and was interviewed by Jiang Zemin, the former General Secretary of CPC and Comrade Wang Tao and Zhou Yongkang, the former leaders of CNPC.

    Our company especially invites Expert Pan Yuqi, the professor-class senior engineer, who made prominent contributions in the aspect of domestic fully-airtight crude gathering and transportation process research, was awarded the first batch of National-Class Design Master, as the technical consultant. Integrated with different geological conditions of reservoirs, characteristics of crude, development, gathering and transportation processes in domestic oilfields, Mr. Pan made a new breakthrough in the aspect of oil, gas and water three-phase separation technology. In resent years, HBP provided various separators, heaters, electric dehydrators, dosing devices and such products for Sudan FULA Oilfield, Kazakstan Zhanarol Oilfield, ADM Oilfield, Kenkyak Pre-salt Oilfield, North Buzachi Oilfield, Syria State-Owned Oil Company RUMELAN Oilfield, GEBEIBE Oilfield, Algeria ZARZAITINE Oilfield, BZ25-1 FPSO and WHP A/B/C/D/E/F of Bohai Sea Oilfield of CNOOC, Friendship FPSO of Bo South Oilfield, Daqing Oilfield, Dagang Oilfield, Liao River Oilfield, Shengli

    Oilfield, North China Oilfield, Sichuan Oilfield, Xinjiang Oilfield, Qinghai Oilfield and such oilfields, and provided filter separators, cyclone separators, filters and such equipment for Sino-Kazakstan Natural Gas Pipeline Project, Atasu-Alataw Pass Crude Pipeline Project, Sichuan-East Gas Transportation Project and part of domestic oil and gas pipeline projects. Both the product quality and after-sale service are praised by the customers.

    In recent years, with the consecutive increase of the business requirements in the aspect of environmental protection in the oilfields, HBP also sees this field as the important development direction of the company. HBP has developed the internationally leading process solutions in the aspects of oily sludge treatment, tank cleaning and oily sewage treatment in the oilfields, and promoted those technologies to the largest domestic oilfields. Based on a large number of practices, the environmental-protection philosophy and process solutions of HBP are verified and recognized by the customers.

    In the course of product design, machining, fabrication, commissioning and after-sale service, our company complies with the International Standard ISO9001:2000, keeps improving on design, carries out strict field management and considerate after-sale service.

    “Innovation, Pragmatism, Integrity and Humanness” is the development principle followed by our company all the time. With the help and support of all levels of leaders, we are competent and confident that we could make more contribution for the project development of your company.

    Daqing HBP Oil Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as Daqing HBP) is the wholly-owned subsidiary subject to China Oil HBP Science & Technology Corporation Ltd.

    Daqing HBP is located in Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province. As the integrated research and developing base of HBP, it covers an area of 40,000 m2 or so. Now it has about 300 staff, including more than 60 technicians and 12 senior engineers. The company is equipped with more than 100 sets of machining and manufacturing

    equipment and the annual production capacity is more than 30,000 tons.

    As a professional oil equipment manufacturing company, Daqing HBP can undertake the fabrication of Level I, II & III Pressure Vessel, including all kinds of non-standard pressure vessels. Daqing HBP has A2 Pressure Vessel Manufacturing Certificate (No.TS2210989-2013), ASME U Certificate of Authorization (No.39201) and the certificates of ISO9001-2000 QMS , ISO14001-2004 EMS and GB/T28001:2001 OHSMS.


    Established in (成立年份), (公司英文名称) is a manufacturer (生产兼贸易,可用manufacturer and trader) specialized in the research, development and production of (公司主打产品). We are located in (公司所在城市), with convenient transportation access. All of our products comply with international quality standards and are greatly appreciated in a variety of different markets throughout the world.

    If you are interested in any of our products or would like to discuss a custom order, please feel free to contact us. We are looking forward to forming successful business relationships with new clients around the world in the near future.














