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    chim chim cheree(chim chim cheree歌词中文)

    发布时间:2023-05-23 08:11:14     稿源: 创意岭    阅读: 88        

    大家好!今天让创意岭的小编来大家介绍下关于chim chim cheree的问题,以下是小编对此问题的归纳整理,让我们一起来看看吧。5G6创意岭 - 安心托付、值得信赖的品牌设计、营销策划公司

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    chim chim cheree(chim chim cheree歌词中文)5G6创意岭 - 安心托付、值得信赖的品牌设计、营销策划公司

    Chim Chim Cheree 歌词5G6创意岭 - 安心托付、值得信赖的品牌设计、营销策划公司

    歌曲名:Chim Chim Cheree
    歌手:Cliff Richard
    专辑:And They Said It Wouldn T Last (My 50 Years In Music)
    Chim Chim Cheree
    Dick Van Dyke/Julie Andrews/Karen Dotrice/Matthew Garber
    Disney's Greatest, Vol. 2
    Chim chiminey
    Chim chiminey
    Chim chim cher-ee!
    A sweep is as lucky
    As lucky can be
    Chim chiminey
    Chim chiminey
    Chim chim cher-oo!
    Good luck will rub off when
    I shake 'ands with you
    Or blow me a kiss
    And that's lucky too
    Now as the ladder of life
    'As been strung
    You may think a sweep's
    On the botton most rung
    Though I spends me time
    In the ashes and smoke
    In this 'ole wide world
    There's no 'appier bloke
    Chim chiminey
    Chim chiminey
    Chim chim cher-ee!
    A sweep is as lucky
    As lucky can be
    Chim chiminey
    Chim chiminey
    Chim chim cher-oo!
    Good luck will rub off when
    I shake 'ands with you
    Chim chiminey
    Chim chiminey
    Chim chim cher-ee!
    A sweep is as lucky
    As lucky can be
    Chim chiminey
    Chim chiminey
    Chim chim cher-oo!
    Good luck will rub off when
    I shake 'ands with you
    I choose me bristles
    With pride,yes,I do
    A broom for the shaft
    And a brush for the flute
    Up where the smoke
    Is all billered and curled
    'Tween pavement and stars
    Is the chimney sweep world
    When there's hardly no day
    Nor hardly no night
    There's thing half in shadow
    And halfway in light
    On the rooftops of London
    Coo,what sight
    Chim chiminey
    Chim chiminey
    Chim chim cher-ee!
    When you're with a sweep
    You're in glad company
    Nowhere is there
    A more happier crew
    Than them wot sings
    "Chim chiminey
    Chim chim cher-ee
    Chim cher-oo"
    Chim chiminey
    Chim chim cher-ee
    Chim cher-oo

    迪士尼公司获奥斯卡提名及获奖的作品5G6创意岭 - 安心托付、值得信赖的品牌设计、营销策划公司

    1995年 玩具总动员(Toy Story)三项奥斯卡提名。
    1998年 虫虫危机(A Bug's Life)奥斯卡最佳音乐和喜剧剧本提名
    1999年 玩具总动员2(Toy Story 2)2000年 获得奥斯卡最佳原创歌曲提名
    2001年 怪兽电力公司(Monsters, Inc.)2002年 获奥斯卡最佳歌曲奖、最佳 动画长片提名、最佳音乐剪辑提名和最佳配乐提名。
    2003年 海底总动员(Finding Nemo)2004年 横扫安妮奖;奥斯卡最佳动画长片奖、最佳原创剧本提名、最佳配乐提名和最佳声音剪辑提名
    2004年 超人总动员(The Incredibles)2005年 获得奥斯卡最佳动画长片奖和最佳声音剪辑奖
    最佳男配角奖 (Performance by an actor in a supporting role):
    菲利普·西摩·霍夫曼 “疑云” 米拉麦克斯 Philip Seymour Hoffman in “Doubt” (Miramax)
    最佳女主角奖 (Performance by an actress in a leading role):
    梅丽尔·斯特里普 “疑云” 米拉麦克斯 Meryl Streep in “Doubt” (Miramax
    最佳女配角奖 (Performance by an actress in a supporting role):
    艾米·亚当斯 “疑云” 米拉麦克斯 Amy Adams in “Doubt” (Miramax)
    维奥拉·戴维斯 “疑云” 米拉麦克斯 Viola Davis in “Doubt” (Miramax)
    最佳动画长片奖 (Best animated feature film of the year):
    “闪电狗” 华特·迪士尼公司 “Bolt (Walt Disney)
    “机器人瓦利” 华特·迪士尼公司 “Wall·E (Walt Diseny)
    最佳原创影配乐奖 (Achievement in music written for motion pictures (Original score):
    “机器人瓦利” 华特·迪士尼公司 “Wall·E (Walt Diseny)
    最佳电影原创歌曲奖 (Achievement in music written for motion pictures (Original song):
    “回到地球” “机器人瓦利” 华特·迪士尼公司 “Down to Earth” from “WALL-E” (Walt Disney)
    最佳动画短片奖 (Best animated short film):
    “普雷斯托” 皮克斯动画工作室 华特·迪士尼公司 “Presto” Pixar Animation Studios (Walt Disney)
    最佳音效剪辑奖 (Achievement in sound editing):
    “机器人瓦利” 华特·迪士尼公司 “WALL-E” (Walt Disney)
    最佳音效奖 (Achievement in sound mixing):
    “机器人瓦利” 华特·迪士尼公司 “WALL-E” (Walt Disney)
    最佳改编剧本奖 (Adapted screenplay):
    “疑云” 米拉麦克斯 “Doubt” (Miramax)
    最佳原创剧本奖: (Original screenplay):
    If I didn't have you 74届:《怪物公司》
    You'll be in my heart 72届:《泰山》
    Colors of the wind 68届:《风中奇缘》
    Can you feel the love tonight 67届:《狮子王》
    A whole new world 65届:《阿拉丁》
    Beauty and the beast64届:《美女与野兽》
    Under the sea 62届:《小美人鱼》
    Chim chim Cheree 37届:《欢乐满人间》
    Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah 20届:《南方之歌》
    When you wish upon a star 13届:《木偶奇遇记》
    Over the rainbow 12届:《绿野仙踪》

    chim chim cheree(chim chim cheree歌词中文)5G6创意岭 - 安心托付、值得信赖的品牌设计、营销策划公司

    Chim Chim Cheree 歌词5G6创意岭 - 安心托付、值得信赖的品牌设计、营销策划公司

    歌曲名:Chim Chim Cheree
    歌手:John Coltrane Quartet
    专辑:The Impulse! Albums: Volume Three
    Chim Chim Cheree
    Dick Van Dyke/Julie Andrews/Karen Dotrice/Matthew Garber
    Disney's Greatest, Vol. 2
    Chim chiminey
    Chim chiminey
    Chim chim cher-ee!
    A sweep is as lucky
    As lucky can be
    Chim chiminey
    Chim chiminey
    Chim chim cher-oo!
    Good luck will rub off when
    I shake 'ands with you
    Or blow me a kiss
    And that's lucky too
    Now as the ladder of life
    'As been strung
    You may think a sweep's
    On the botton most rung
    Though I spends me time
    In the ashes and smoke
    In this 'ole wide world
    There's no 'appier bloke
    Chim chiminey
    Chim chiminey
    Chim chim cher-ee!
    A sweep is as lucky
    As lucky can be
    Chim chiminey
    Chim chiminey
    Chim chim cher-oo!
    Good luck will rub off when
    I shake 'ands with you
    Chim chiminey
    Chim chiminey
    Chim chim cher-ee!
    A sweep is as lucky
    As lucky can be
    Chim chiminey
    Chim chiminey
    Chim chim cher-oo!
    Good luck will rub off when
    I shake 'ands with you
    I choose me bristles
    With pride,yes,I do
    A broom for the shaft
    And a brush for the flute
    Up where the smoke
    Is all billered and curled
    'Tween pavement and stars
    Is the chimney sweep world
    When there's hardly no day
    Nor hardly no night
    There's thing half in shadow
    And halfway in light
    On the rooftops of London
    Coo,what sight
    Chim chiminey
    Chim chiminey
    Chim chim cher-ee!
    When you're with a sweep
    You're in glad company
    Nowhere is there
    A more happier crew
    Than them wot sings
    "Chim chiminey
    Chim chim cher-ee
    Chim cher-oo"
    Chim chiminey
    Chim chim cher-ee
    Chim cher-oo

    以上就是关于chim chim cheree相关问题的回答。希望能帮到你,如有更多相关问题,您也可以联系我们的客服进行咨询,客服也会为您讲解更多精彩的知识和内容。5G6创意岭 - 安心托付、值得信赖的品牌设计、营销策划公司



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