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    发布时间:2023-03-10 14:02:02     稿源: 创意岭    阅读: 82        问大家






    呃,我在悉尼大学修艺术史,其实还好吧,art门下没有几科不需要大词汇量的,我这边中国人读艺术史的不多,我说悉尼大学,tutorial的时候会比较麻烦,因为要大家讨论对画,雕塑或者建筑,照片之类的感想,所以第一学期会比较惨,又很累,尤其是刚开始的一个月都要死了,我好不好还学了一门文艺复兴史,好多宗教语言和拉丁语,意大利人的名字也超级难念,不过这门课倒是很有意思。艺术史念完了一般作评论或者电影,美术馆之类的职业,3年毕业,二年级专业课,一年级有两门必修,上半学期是电影类的,下半学期主要就是不同时期的美术品,巴洛克,洛可可什么,从古至今主要是欧洲的。能坚持下来的话,这是挺有意思的一门课。但是论文超多,不过我这里一年级必修的两门课不用期末考,就是有两个大论文,这样你到期末的时候就比别人轻松些,只是平常多泡泡图书馆就行了。当然这只是悉尼大学的情况, 顺便说一句我也是不会画画雕塑啥的,所以想通过修艺术史走偏电影的major


    天津商学院·美国东密西根大学 人力资源管理硕士研究生2005年招生简章 一.项目背景 经国务院学位委员会办公室[2003]11号文件批准,天津商学院和美国东密西根大学联合举办人力资源管理硕士研究生项目。引进国际人力资源管理方面的前沿理论和实践经验,致力于培养经济发展所需要的国际化人力资源管理骨干人才。 天津商学院与美国东密西根大学合作举办的人力资源管理硕士研究生是经过国务院学位委员会批准的目前国内唯一的一项此类合作项目。 二.美国东密西根大学简介 美国东密西根大学(The Eastern Michigan University,简称EMU。网址: http://www.emich.edu)始建于1849年,是一所具有150多年历史的综合性大学,在全美高校排名中居于前列。东密西根大学与世界各国有着丰富的合作办学经验,近几年来又逐步开始在亚洲拥有越来越多的合作伙伴。 东密西根大学目前有艺术和科学学院、商学院、教育学院、健康与服务学院、技术学院等共五个学院。开设180个本科专业和80个研究生专业。目前在校生有本科生17000人,研究生6000人。 三.项目介绍 1.项目宗旨 �0�5结合天津商学院自身的办学特色,借鉴和引进国外先进的教学模式、课程体系、教学方法和管理经验,努力拓宽国际化人力资源管理人才培养的途径。 2.培养目标 �0�5培养具有国际先进理念和创新精神、扎实的理论基础、深厚的管理专业知识和丰富管理实践技能的高水平、国际化人力资源管理人才; �0�5全面提升学员的创新管理能力,培养在知识经济条件下的创新意识,提高学员参与国际竞争的核心能力。 3.项目特色 �0�5由天津商学院与美国东密西根大学联合推出、经教育部和国务院学位办批准的中外合作办学项目,所颁发的硕士学位在国内国外均得到充分认可; �0�5选派优秀教师、采用先进的教学手段与设备,采取理论与实践相结合、讲授与案例分析并重的互动式与启发式教学方法; �0�5高强度、密集化的教学方式既可以有效解决学员在学习与工作上的时间冲突,又能在短时期内传授丰富知识,切中学员关心的实际管理问题,收到事半功倍的效果; �0�5英文教学为主,美方教授授课时配有中文助教,必要时进行现场翻译。 �0�5从学习效果来看,学员普遍反映学习收获非常大,对于现实工作的帮助不仅是理论上的,在实践方面也是受益匪浅。对于眼界和思路的开阔更是长久的收获。 4.学习方式 在职学习;学制两年;每一个半月至两个月集中一次,授课五天(其中一般包括两天周末);采取集中面授、案例分析、小组讨论、课堂讨论、专题讲座等方式。 5.培养方案 攻读人力资源管理硕士研究生学位的学员,需要完成以下环节: 1)必修课程 序号 课程 学时 考核方式 1 组织行为理论 30 考试或论文 2 人力资源管理 30 考试或论文 3 组织发展理论和技巧 30 考试或论文 4 人力资源发展 30 考试或论文 5 国际企业管理 30 考试或论文 6 技术性人力资源管理 30 考试或论文 7 人员配置 30 考试或论文 8 薪酬管理 30 考试或论文 9 理论与实践 30 考试或论文 10 团队的持续改进 30 考试或论文 11 人力资源与组织开发专题 30 考试或论文 12 管理战略与政策 30 考试或论文 2)补修课程 (非经济管理类本科毕业生需要补修) 序号 课 程 学 时 考核方式 1 统计学 20 考试或论文 2 市场营销 20 考试或论文 3 财务管理(或经济学) 20 考试或论文 4 会计学 20 考试或论文 四.师资情况 本项目的任课教师主要由东密西根大学、天津商学院和其他知名高校的教授、专家、学者以及知名企业的高层管理人员等组成。 五.报名、考试和录取 1.申请人条件 1)热爱祖国,拥护中国共产党的领导,品德优良,遵纪守法; 2) 大学本科毕业或三年制专科毕业并具有两年工作经验者; 3) 英语通过CET-4(或同等水平); 4)身体健康。 2.报名材料 申请人需递交以下报名材料: �0�5身份证复印件2份 �0�5最高学位证书、毕业证书复印件(需附英文翻译)各2份 �0�5成绩单原件和复印件(需附英文翻译)2份 �0�5一寸彩色照片2张 �0�5报名申请表一式2份(可以从网上下载) �0�5报名费人民币200元 3.报名时间 2004年11月20日————2005年1月20日 4.资格审查 中美双方教授、专家组成的联

    具体可以到这个网站去看看,应该能找到你要的信息。 http://www.91mba.net

    三、叶思芬是谁, 在哪里可以听到她的作品? 先前豆瓣里都在讨论她,所以问问大家





    ① 考AP艺术史初学用哪本书











    ② 上海哪里有读AP艺术史




    学制: 本科4年,硕士研究生3年。

    专业要求:系统了解中外美术历史和理论知识,具有广泛的文化艺术修养和较强的写作能力,对 当代美术的创作及艺术现象有切实的了解。注重实事求是,注重理论联系实际.要求 学生具有良好的学风、文风与专业道德。

    主要课程:世界通史、中国美术史、外国美术史、中西方近现代美术史、设计史、艺术管理、艺 术市场、论文写作、油画、中国画。

    ③ 想学AP艺术史,心理,环境科,学这些学的比较少的人的科目怎么自学或者去哪里报班呢


    ④ AP艺术史用什么书


    ⑤ ap艺术史考什么用哪些教材比较好巴朗的找不到啊!!

    AP Art History is designed to provide the same benefits to secondary school students as those provided by an introctory college course in art history. In the course, students examine major forms of artistic expression from the ancient world to the present and from a variety of cultures. They learn to look and *** yze works of art within their historical context, and to articulate what they see or experience in a meaningful way. A meaningful way to experience works of art is learning to frame an understanding that relates how and why works of art municate visual meaning.

    An introctory college art history course content generally covers the various art forms in the following proportions: 40-50% painting and drawing, 25% architecture, 25% sculpture, and 5-10% other media (printmaking, photography, ceramics, fiber arts, etc.). The AP Art History course content and AP Examination reflect these distributions.

    College art history survey courses vary in approaches to interpreting art, including selection of chronological frameworks, themes, and the emphasis on *** ytical skills. The AP Development Committee regularly monitors the ways in which art history is taught at the college level and the choices they make in devising the course and the examination are patible with college level curricular objectives.

    The main objectives of AP curriculum in Art History are to develop in students:

    the ability to apply fundamental art and art historical terminology.

    an appreciation for the process of making and displaying art.

    an understanding of purpose and function of art.

    the abilty to *** yze works of art in context of historical evidence and interpretation, examining such issues as politics, religion, patronage, gender, and ethnicity.

    an understanding of cross-cutural and global nature of art.

    the ability to perform higher order thinking skills and articulate visual and art historical concepts in verbal and written forms.

    Exam Content

    The first AP Art History Exam was administered in 1972. In 1998, the AP Art History Exam premiered the long essay question requiring informed discussion of art beyond the European tradition.

    Changes to the AP Art History Exam beginning with the 2010 exam administration:

    As of 2010, the color images that acpany Section 1, Part A, and Section II of the AP Art History Exam are provided to each student in the form of printed color inserts. See Printed Color Images for the 2010 AP Art History Exam for more information about this change.

    Slides and slide projectors are no longer used in the exam administration.

    Questions are based on color images in Section I, Part A, and Section II: While it is remended that students spend the suggested amount of time responding to each question, time management is ultimately each student's responsibility. Students working on the parts of the exam based on color images will be able to move freely from question to question within each part, ring the time allotted for each part.

    Change in the order of the free-response questions:

    Questions 1 and 2 will be 30-minute essay questions. Question 1 will require students to incorporate in their response at least one example of art beyond the European tradition.

    Questions 3 through 9 will be 5- or 10-minute essay questions based on color images and/or text.

    Decision to not count prehistoric examples:

    The AP Art History Development Committee has been concerned over the years about students' use of prehistoric examples when answering the 30-minute long essays. These long essays typically ask the student to provide contextual information about the work of art, but there is little known about the particular cultures that proced prehistoric art. Students who use prehistoric examples cannot earn full credit because they cannot provide a factual discussion of the context. Therefore, beginning with the 2010 exam, prehistoric examples such as the Woman of Willendorf, the caves of Lascaux, and Stonehenge will not be accepted as appropriate examples.

    Emphasis on using examples from non-Western cultures other than Egypt and the Ancient Near East:

    The Development Committee is also concerned about the overuse of Egyptian and Ancient Near East examples for the essay question that asks students to discuss art beyond the European tradition. To address this issue, the mittee will add the following statement to the Course Description for 2010: "One of the 30-minute essay questions requires students to incorporate at least one example of art beyond the European tradition into their essays. Ancient Egypt and the Ancient Near East are fully covered in the multiple-choice questions in Part I and the short-answer essays in Part II of the exam. The intent of this essay question is to draw from areas such as Africa (beyond ancient Egypt), the Americas, Asia, Islamic cultures, and Oceania."

    Exam Content

    The first AP Art History Exam was administered in 1972. In 1998, the AP Art History Exam premiered the long essay question requiring informed discussion of art beyond the European tradition.

    Changes to the AP Art History Exam beginning with the 2010 exam administration:

    As of 2010, the color images that acpany Section 1, Part A, and Section II of the AP Art History Exam are provided to each student in the form of printed color inserts. See Printed Color Images for the 2010 AP Art History Exam for more information about this change.

    Slides and slide projectors are no longer used in the exam administration.

    Questions are based on color images in Section I, Part A, and Section II: While it is remended that students spend the suggested amount of time responding to each question, time management is ultimately each student's responsibility. Students working on the parts of the exam based on color images will be able to move freely from question to question within each part, ring the time allotted for each part.

    Change in the order of the free-response questions:

    Questions 1 and 2 will be 30-minute essay questions. Question 1 will require students to incorporate in their response at least one example of art beyond the European tradition.

    Questions 3 through 9 will be 5- or 10-minute essay questions based on color images and/or text.

    Decision to not count prehistoric examples:

    The AP Art History Development Committee has been concerned over the years about students' use of prehistoric examples when answering the 30-minute long essays. These long essays typically ask the student to provide contextual information about the work of art, but there is little known about the particular cultures that proced prehistoric art. Students who use prehistoric examples cannot earn full credit because they cannot provide a factual discussion of the context. Therefore, beginning with the 2010 exam, prehistoric examples such as the Woman of Willendorf, the caves of Lascaux, and Stonehenge will not be accepted as appropriate examples.

    Emphasis on using examples from non-Western cultures other than Egypt and the Ancient Near East:

    The Development Committee is also concerned about the overuse of Egyptian and Ancient Near East examples for the essay question that asks students to discuss art beyond the European tradition. To address this issue, the mittee will add the following statement to the Course Description for 2010: "One of the 30-minute essay questions requires students to incorporate at least one example of art beyond the European tradition into their essays. Ancient Egypt and the Ancient Near East are fully covered in the multiple-choice questions in Part I and the short-answer essays in Part II of the exam. The intent of this essay question is to draw from areas such as Africa (beyond ancient Egypt), the Americas, Asia, Islamic cultures, and Oceania."

    Classroom Instruction and Resources

    Special Focus Materials

    Art of the Twentieth Century (.pdf/9MB) New!

    Art in Context (.pdf/697KB)

    Lesson Plans and Teaching Strategies

    Women Artists in History

    The Development of One-Point Perspective in Renaissance Italy

    Teaching Tips and Strategies

    Using PowerPoint Slides in the AP Art History Classroom

    Course Content - Related Articles

    The Keystone in the High School Curriculum

    The Challenge of Architectural Meaning

    Spotlight on Digital Projectors

    Understanding Islamic Aesthetics

    The Meaningful Walk and the AP Art History Course

    Teacher Profile: Stuart Lade

    ⑥ 蒙特沃德学院的AP课程

    艺术史(AP Art History)

    美国历史(AP U.S History)

    世界历史(AP World History)

    欧洲历史(AP European History)

    *** 与政治(AP Comparative Government and Politics)

    宏观经版济权(AP Macroeconomics)

    微观经济(AP Microeconomics)

    心理学(AP Psychology)

    人文地理(AP Human Geograghy)

    英语语言(AP English Language)

    英语文学(AP English Literature)

    西班牙语(AP Spanish)

    中文( AP Chinese)

    统计学(AP Satistics)

    微积分AB(AP Calculus AB)

    微积分BC(AP Calculus BC)

    物理B(AP Physics B)

    物理C(AP Physics C)

    化学(AP Chemsitry)

    生物(AP Biology)

    音乐理论(AP Music Theory)

    工作室艺术(AP Studio Art)

    ⑦ 申请美国艺术学院必须考ap艺术史吗











    ⑧ 想到美国读工业设计,AP选艺术史有用吗,好考吗




    ⑨ 考ap艺术史需要美术基础吗


    ⑩ AP艺术史要怎么自学


    当然如果要更全面的知识可以去阅读Gardner的Art through ages,里面涉及到500多个art work,不过考试只考250个






